Javier Mariscal

Born in Valencia, Javier Mariscal developed his professional career in Barcelona.

Since the 1970s when he picked up a pencil to earn his living, Javier Mariscal's career has been marked by his creative incontinence, and by his need to express himself through a variety of disciplines, whether artistic or not.

The Mediterranean culture is revealed in his work: the hedonism, optimism and symbolism, as well as the vibrant range of colors and his poetic approach. Mariscal expresses himself using a personal language that is complex in intention, yet simple in manifestation, innocent yet at the same time provocative, enabling him to innovate, take risks and communicate, to keep tickling the eyes of those who see his work and create complicity with others.

Before dealing with projects from a multidisciplinary point of view became a recognized value, Mariscal's professional activity of moving from one discipline to another, thanks to his untiring curiosity and his passion to innovate, contributes to make everyday life more interesting, easy and friendly. From furniture design to painting, sculpture, and illustration, interior and graphic design, animation, landscaping, among many others, all have been the treated with his unique professional and personal vision.

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