Soren Rose Studio

Soren Rose Studio was founded in 2009 by native Dane Sren Rose. We proudly provide clients with any level of service they desire, whether it's designing a beautiful chandelier or a clients' future home. We have the benefit of utilizing larger scale projects as inspiration to design furniture and products. We focus on style, sensibility and sustainability in our approach and value long-term design collaborations with likeminded people to propel our studio forward. Many of our furniture pieces begin as limited edition and evolve into commercially viable products, which we then license through leading manufacturers. We also provide industrial design services to brands around the world. The goal is universal, to improve the immediate surroundings of human beings. Our ethos is what sets us apart.To understand how Scandinavian poise can collide with downtown grit, requires a visit to Soren's New York City Hudson Loft. There are only two photographic subjects hanging amongst the art collection. One is the sleek, understated and ever-cool Steve McQueen. The other is Keith Richards, the rough and rugged gentleman who may out-party, out-live and out-shine us all. This is a bit like the studio. With offices Copenhagen and New York, we proudly embrace these notable opposites to create original interiors, products and furnishings that are minimal, masterfully crafted, raw yet elegantly refined.

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